Active inside activities for kids

W still manage to find activities for kids to keep active even inside the house. I thought that maybe some of you are also stuck inside due to the weather (even if it's just the rain), so I thought I'd share a few of the ways that we've been keeping our bodies in motion this past month, even when we are stuck inside.
My kids are 4.5 and 2, so these are great for those ages, but you could use these ideas with other ages, too. A note of precaution and common sense: you know your kids best, so of course keep in mind what kind of precautions you might need to take with them and decide for yourself how to keep the activities for kids.

Obstacle courses: These can vary in so many ways. Crawling under blankets draped across chairs, hopping over small boxes, riding a ride-on toy across the kitchen floor, zig-zag running through pillow "cones," kicking a soccer ball through a goal. Use your imagination to come up with different obstacles that would work in your living space (or a space you have access to).
Hopscotch: After watching a Curious George episode where George plays hopscotch, my oldest child wanted to play, too. We used masking tape and taped down a hopscotch course on our carpet and used small blocks as rocks for tossing.

Dance party: Crank up some tunes and have fun.
Work out center: My kids have lately started making their own small exercise centers. Activities for kids after the ones that they see their dad doing on the Bow flex. They use different toys and items from the pantry as weights. They are quite creative.
Mini-golf: Here's another one that was inspired. George and Betsy make their own mini-golf course on the rooftop of their apartment building. My oldest started setting up own golf courses at home. Anything that has a space for a golf ball to travel under becomes part of his courses. So this includes baby doll cradles and baby doll changing tables, play furniture, blocks stacked together with books across them, lids of plastic bins turned sideways next to the bin.
Hide-and-seek: An oldie but goodie Activities for kids, my kids don't seem to tire of it.
Picture treasure hunt: I drew a bunch of pictures of different places/things in our house (a lamp in the living room, the chair at the computer desk, the washing machine, the kids' play kitchen, the booster seat in the kitchen, the kids' bunk bed, the shoe shelf in the hall closet, etc - about 20 of them). Then, I hide them throughout the house. I hold on to the first clue to give to the kids as their starting point, then I hide the next clue at the location pictured on the first clue. The last clue card simply has a star on it. I suppose you could hide some sort of treasure or prize along with the final card, but my kids are perfectly happy just playing the game - playing is its own reward. My oldest will play this over and over, and I'm surprised at the work-out that I get while playing it! I try to mix up the clues so that we are going from one floor to the next on every clue. With a two-story house and a basement, this means a lot of trips up and down, especially if we play it five times in a row. If you don't think you can sketch the different locations, take pictures of them with your digital camera and print them out. Just make sure that when you are hiding the clues that each clue really leads to the next location!

Some traditional sports: We've got a basketball backboard in our kitchen and we play with a small rubber bouncy ball. We play nearly every day. We also toss the soft football around a lot and play soccer in the unfinished basement.
Running and jumping into a huge pile of pillows and blankets: Simple activities for kids, but this is seriously one of my kids' favorite things to do.
I hope that you are finding lots of Activities for kids to keep active indoors, too!

Top 10 Kids Activities on a Rainy Day

There is nothing worse than a rainy day in the middle of the school holidays, when children are cooped up inside, you have nothing planned, and the inevitable cries of “I’m bored” are not far away! Keep this list of Top 10 Kids activities ready for just such a Rainy day. Moreover, Older children may enjoy choosing from the list themselves.

1. Sort through the toy cupboard:

It’s surprising how much fun this can be! Get everyone together and aim to clear one shelf or drawer. You will probably find that old treasures are rediscovered, odd pieces can be thrown away, and some things will be ready to be passed down or sold. If you are not sure whether to get rid of some of the toys, try packing them away in a box and hiding them in a dark corner of the cupboard for a few months. When they come out again they will either cause a sensation, or not - which will make it easy to decide on their fate! This is one of the Kids Activities which will surely work for your children.

2. Record the sounds around you:

Another Kids Activities: Get out the tape recorder and make a project out of recording everyday sounds. Try water running in the bath, someone ringing the bell and opening the door, or flushing the toilet! It certainly makes you think about things a little differently than usual. Suggest some friends or neighbors do the same thing and then get together to see if you can identify each other’s sounds!

3. Make a story tape:

In this type of Kids Activities Grab that tape recorder and a blank cassette, find a story you enjoy, and make your own story tape! Each child can read for a while, or can take on the part of a particular character. Make the appropriate noises too! You will probably have to practice a few times to get the hang of it, and be prepared for lots and lots of giggles! Tip: a homemade story tape makes a great present for a child who has to go to hospital or is bedridden for a time.

4. Have a jigsaw afternoon:

Get out all your jigsaws and invite some friends around with theirs too! Clear plenty of space and have a marathon jigsaw session. Some libraries have jigsaws you can borrow too, and you can often find jigsaws for sale very cheaply at charity shops (thrift stores) and car boot sales (garage sales). Tip: if you buy your jigsaws second-hand and the box has seen better days, cut out the picture and store it in a re-sealable bag with all the pieces. Moreover, this type of Kids Activities can keep your child busy whole day long.

5. Have a mammoth junk modeling session with friends:

Invite a few families around and ask them to bring their craft-cupboard junk with them – boxes, containers, and other bits and pieces. You provide glue, sticky-tape, scissors, and encouragement. You could make houses, or creatures, or boats, or modern art – or you could all combine together to make one giant model!

6. Make a card house:

If you don’t know any good card games or haven’t anyone to play with, try building a card house! Start by balancing two cards against each other so that they stand up in an inverted V-shape. Take it from there!

7. Make an indoor obstacle course:

Check with an adult that this is OK first! Use easily movable furniture (kitchen chairs, coffee tables) to mark out a course. Create a tunnel to crawl through with a blanket draped over low tables, or space cushions around the room to use as stepping-stones. You will have lots more ideas!

8. Practice balancing:

Balancing is fun! Try walking the length of the room with a book on your head. When you can do that, try balancing two or three – then add a cuddly toy to the very top!

9. Create an indoor den:

A few blankets and tablecloths can create the most wonderful indoor den. Drape blankets between sofas and chairs, over stepladders and clothes-dryers, or tie the ends to cupboard knobs and door handles. Once the den is created find some special snacks, coloring pages and pencils, a CD player and music, a torch or two, and camp out for a while!

10. Play with string:

Older children can create some wonderful inventions with a ball of string and their imagination! A toilet roll and a sloping length of string make a great message chute or rocket. Get some action toys involved too: try making them a lift (elevator) out of a box or a basket and hoist them up! Adults should supervise constantly if there are younger kids around.

Better learning prospects by Preschool activities

Preschool days are the best days of a person’s life. The atmosphere of play and work make the preschool activities a better mode of learning and getting educated. Preschool is always are occupied with different activities for kids. The basic knowledge how to read and write is the most fundamental step followed by other tasks. The kids in that atmosphere play and learn with fraternity and little bit of competitiveness which progresses in the future course of development.

The other preschool activities consist of art classes like drawing, painting and crafts which teach the expression of aesthetics in a person’s mind. The interactive modes of drama help in learning the common social conducts which are required in everyone’s society. The storytelling and live examples give the basic ideas about the prevailing trends in the society and develops etiquettes and manners in them. These activities for kids help them in better learning prospects for future.

Preschool activities captivates for whole life

Junior school is one of the important steps in a person’s life. Parents send their kids to get habituated to the social environment and basic learning traits. These activities for kids in the junior school become the foundations of their lives. Even parents encourage and enjoy watching their children involving in preschool activities. The way of teaching comprises of examples and storytelling methods especially terms as kids activities.

The learning activities in the preschool or junior school consist of the fundamentals of reading and writing. Children, along with this elementary knowledge, experience the aesthetics culture as well. This includes art classes like drawing, painting and crafts. Preschool activities improvise the understanding abilities of kids and help them in expressing their views via pictures. These kids with the help of drama and other preschool activities learn the basic civic sense and behavioral science for the society they are living in. This knowledge and learning is captivating in kid’s lives for the rest of their future.

Learning activities encourage kids

It is said, learning is more than education. Indeed, this saying is proved to be right with the approach of learning activities. These methodologies help in learning the social aspects and attitude in children’s mind. The latest trends with the Latin approach and storytelling concept are fed in the kid’s intellectual perception. There are different sessions of drama and activities carried out in the junior school to teach the etiquettes, moral and ethical values with the help of these learning activities.

Other than teaching the fundamentals of reading and writing, the junior school lays emphasis on other learning activities as well. These activities consists of arts classes like drawing, painting and crafts. The aesthetics values are inherited in the children’s lives ever since their childhood and serve them with complete convictions. The parents whole heartedly send their kids to acquire these learning activities to junior schools and participate in each stage of their development. Children with complete encouragement and confidence level attain the basic values and remember these for the rest of their lives.

A clear perception with learning activities

The growth of a child is an important issue and it is parallel with the mental development and literacy. The leaning in life is more important than just being educated. The junior school, help kids in attaining these aspects with the help of learning activities. These activities are not the only conventional and fundamental methodologies but indeed a more comprehensive measure in children’s development. Parents send their kids to learn and earn the basic elements of society and they participate often in children’s learning activities.

The future course of education is paved with this foundation by learning activities. Reading and writing forms the elementary education concept but the activities have more to convey and deliver. The art classes like drawing, painting and crafts teach the very basics of the need of the aesthetic values in children’s mind. Incomparable approach of the learning activities in drama and storytelling help children perceiving their emotional conscience and also develops ambitions at the very young age.

Learning activities remain forever with kids

The most interesting and the beloved part of the life is the childhood. People send their kids to play and to acquire learning activities for the upcoming stages of their lives. They enjoy with their mates in the junior school and learn some basic trends to lead with etiquettes in their society. They attend various sessions watching their children learning activities which are carried out in the junior school. Children are taught with the live examples and storytelling methods to captivate their interests in much better way.

These learning activities include painting and crafts which gives an idea about the arts prevailing. They learn to express their view with the help of pictures and improvise on their understanding abilities. The learning activities do not end at reading and writing skills but to the more comprehensive approach of teaching altogether. They learn the basic knowledge and behavioral attitude to sustain as a civilized person in the society. These traits grow with them and help them for the progressive stages of their lives.